There, finally fixed it so you can post in this section without mod permission!
[quote="ryan_eaglesfield"]okay now i can post hey red its been a long time me and you once met over aim at ungodly hours to talk about attatchments for AVP2 characters , and jeff wayne's war of the worlds(lol)
anyway i still have ideas if you wanna talk sometime ^^
lets say i tried and completed avp3 and it just doesnt hold a candle to avp2
I just remembered, I actually still have pics and max files you had sent me like 3 years ago for attempted attachments lol.
[quote="Cha'TouDI"]sounds like a plan
i have you on Deviant art. so i can post char sketches there that you have seen thus far just let me know.
i can get started on some story boards.

You should post some.
And like I said, we will have to wait to see if AVP3 is even going to be moddable/skinnable..
I am also going to put past the idea for remaking Deadly Breed or a variation of it for avp2 to my boyfriend.