RaptorRed's AVP2 Skins

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All the file are now uploaded!
I will probably be making some new skins in the near future for avp2. I doubt like anyone plays avp2 anymore but.. eh.. I miss modding too much. I plan to remake my Moloch skin, since having gotten all the seasons of Buffy on dvd for Christmas. I really have to finish a Predator 2 skin that I was making for someone at some point as well. Here is a preview of that one.


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Half the site is up.

Just to get rid of the phpbb intro post, I am writing to say that half the site is up. There should now be no broken links (other than download links). Tomorrow I begin the long push towards adding the multitude of predator skins for both avp and avp2.... gods that's going to be a lot....

The forum now has all the categories I can think of added so that's ready for people to join and start talking.

If someone happens by here before I attach this site to my old one, Hi!!! =)

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Created by RR_DF_RaptorRed